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To whom it might concerns
Prot. 03/09
Rome, January 10th, 2009
It gives me great satisfaction to recommend Pater Gregory Jamous for a scholarship on mosaic art-work.
As director of CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica – Rome, I had the change to know Pater Gregory Jamous on 2000 when we started to work at the mosaic conservation project in the Monastery of Saint Catherine. Since that time I assisted to his production of mosaics and I had the opportunity to appreciate both his skills and his commitment to the profession.
CCA is a private company acting under public commitment since 1982 in the field of conservation of archaeological monuments with special reference to mosaics. At the moment CCA is responsible for the conservation of the mosaics of the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai. Due to this, during the past 25 years we had the possibility to meet and to work together with many conservators and mosaicists. Pater Gregory Jamous immediately appeared to be a special figure in this panorama. Both artist and art craft, he invests his time in studying, practicing and producing mosaics. It is very rare to find such high quality commitment.
From the very beginning he demonstrated very good understanding of all aspects of mosaic art and at the same time of conservation themes. This makes Pater Gregory Jamous a complete figure of mosaic maker. I am sure that he will greatly benefit from any further experience that might come thanks to a scholarship or every support that he might receive.
To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for Pater Gregory Jamous.
If you have any further questions regarding Pater Gregory Jamous ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information on this letter.Sincerely Yours,
Roberto Nardi
Per informazioni info@torinoart.it